Monday, 26 September 2016

How long DOES it take to learn Gaelic?

So, how long *does* it take to learn Gaelic?

Three years.

Next question?

OK, maybe I had better expand on that a little bit.

First off, let's rephrase the question:

'How long does it take the average person of average ability with a fairly busy life to learn Gaelic to a conversational level?'

I reckon, in my experience as a very average learner, it takes between two and a half and three years. Roughly.

If you've cast half an eye over this blog before, you'll know I am a massive fan of the BBC Radio nan Gàidheal Lerners' programme 'Beag air Bheag' with Iain Urchardan.  Every week Iain introduces 'Neach-ionnsachaidh na seachdain', Learner of the Week, and these people each have a very different story to tell.

I remember in an early series, a very busy housewife who was massively commited to bringing up her family and to her church was barely able to string a sentence together after two years of learning. However, she still admirably put herself forward for an interview, and it was done in a way that she could cope with. On the other side of the coin, in the most recent series (Series 4) you had two different dudes (Martin B and Carmine) who had pretty much reached fluency after learning for barely a year. All these people serve to inspire, be it to show that even when you barely have a second to yourself you can pick up a little bit here and there, or that if you have the time and the inclination you can immerse yourself and become fluent in a comparatively short time.

These examples are, in my view, extreme. There is no doubt in my mind that Martin B and Carmine are very intelligent and focussed men. Most of us, me included, are neither particularly daft nor particulary bright. We have jobs and social lives and make the most of our free time. While the 'Holy Grail' in Gaelic is to reach fluency, what really makes the whole thing really come to life is to reach a conversational level - a level at which we can express ourselves. If you're doing the 'regular route' of distance learning by Cùrsa Inntrigidh followed by Cùrsa Adhartais with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, that 'Eureka' moment comes roughly towards the end of the first year of Cùrsa Adhartais or during the second year.

The first two years of learning Gaelic, in my experience, can be the toughest. You learn and learn and learn and you still can't seem to be able to string a sentence together. Sure, you can say 'Ciamar a tha thu?' and as long as someone comes out with a response you know, you're good. You may get a few sentences down the line then the whole thing will stall. The person you're speaking to uses phrases and words you really don't understand, or you don't have the vocabulary to express what you want to say, and the sheer frustration makes you end up switching to English and you loose face.

However, if you keep at it and keep practicing your 'key phrases' and expanding your vocab, you'll eventually reach that Eureka moment where you hold your first conversation entirely in Gaelic. It might be broken Gaelic, there may be mistakes galore and the odd bit of 'Beurla' here and there, but you somehow manage to keep it all on track until the 'Mar sin leat' or 'Chì mi a-rithist thu' at the end. I guarantee you, the first time that happens, you'll be walking on air.

If you look back through the blog you'll see my frustration in the earlier days with the entry 'Why won't you talk to me?'

However, as I toured the Islands doing my project for 'Saoghal na Gàidhlig' (Module 7 of Cùrsa Adhartais') I found Gàidhlig gu leòr. It seems that if you stick at it, and people start to get to know you and know your story, you'll get Gaelic wherever it is found.

Of course, nobody but nobody ever stops learning Gaelic. Once you hit conversational level, the next stage is to expand your vocab and eliminate your mistakes until you hit fluency. Yet Gaelic is such a rich language, even the most fluent and learned speakers will always admit that there is plenty more out there to learn. That's the joy of Gaelic - its richness beyond measure. If you keep at it, it's all there for the taking.

You just have to keep going at your own pace; whether that is three months or three years, it really doesn't matter how long it takes to get there, just as long as you simply keep going. That's all you have to do.


  1. For someone not exclusively doing it, yeah, 3 years sounds about right assuming they DO apply themselves when they study/practice. You could collapse that to 3 months as you suggested, tongue in cheek, but that would require intensive tutoring and immersion and forsaking Beurla for the time.
    Math a rinn thu!

    1. Oh yeah, maybe I didn't make it clear that it's not exactly a piece of cake! ;) I took the interviews on Beag Air Bheag at face value as I have nothing to suggest otherwise. Tapadh leibh airson am brath seo,a charaid!

    2. Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4 pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. email: {} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.

      1) Love Spells
      2) Lost Love Spells
      3) Divorce Spells
      4) Marriage Spells
      5) Binding Spell.
      6) Breakup Spells
      7) Banish a past Lover
      8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
      9) want to satisfy your lover
      Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
      through {}

  2. Yes, I'd say 3 years is reasonable. It took me about 2 years but I went to SMO for one of them!

  3. Let's refine your question even further :
    'How long does it take to the average English speaking person of average ability with a fairly busy life to learn Gaelic to a conversational level?'
    Because as far as I’m concerned, I’m getting to a point (1 year and a half) to which, quite frankly, I’m sick of studying Gaelic through English.
    Almost all resources are designed for English speakers – things like explaining why the genitive comes after its noun (obvious in Romance languages, but also in some other Germanic languages), explaining that no, you can’t omit the conjunction of a subordinate clause in Gaelic (again pretty obvious in French, Spanish, German…), or like explaining that « eighty » or « four-twenty » are equally acceptable (again, obvious in French, but also in Danish…)
    Yes, Gaelic is mostly spoken in the UK and yes, most learners are English speakers.
    But It would be sooooooooo much richer if there was more materials comparing it with other languages, not just only English.
    It wouldn’t have to be French, German or Spanish (let’s avoid hot political topics) but why not going back to good old Latin or ancient Greek for instance?
    I’m probably too old fashioned.

    1. Tha mise nad bheachd cuideachd, a Bhuidheag. Tha mi fileanta sa Spànntis agus bha mi ag ionnsachadh na Cuimris agus chuidich gu leòr. Tha an teaghlach cànain "Romance" nas faisge air na cànanan Cheilteach, na an dàrna cuid is a' Bheurla.
      Rinn mi a' chiad chòmhradh sa Ghàidhlig an-diugh agus thòisich mi ag ionnsachadh ach san Dàmhair an-uiridh. Ach bha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a h-uile uair saor.
      Ciamar a dh'ionnsaich mise: cùrsaichen beaga BBC, làrach-lìn Akerbeltz, cluinntinn Radio nan Gàidheal, agus sgrìobhadh artaigilean airson Uicipeid na Gàidhlig. 'S urrainn taic a chleachdach mar "reference grammar": tha sin math, oir nach eil foighidinn agamsa idir airson "grammar exercises."

  4. Dear caraidean, is e m 'ainm Janice Alien.
    'S e seo mo phòsta-fuasgladh Fianuis ...
    i ag iarraidh oirbh a h-uile pàirt a ghabhail dhomh taing a thoirt do Dhia an duine seo air a chleachdadh gus ath-ùrachadh an dachaigh agam le mo ex duine a 'càrnadh mi airson boireannach eile airson Paste 3years ,.
    Aig a 'chiad i a-riamh a' creidsinn DR Oduduwa bi comas gus mo chuideachadh a bhuannachadh air ais mo EX an duine aice às an seo tè eile ach a chionn i fhathast a ghràdhachadh, agus feumaidh e ann mo bheatha ..
    Tha mi ag obair agus a 'leantainn DR ODUDUWA stiùireadh agus e iongnadh orm gun robh an dèidh 3 latha de tilgeadh gheasaibh agus ag obair còmhla ri DR ODUDUWA,
    mo EX Husband ghairm mi ag iarraidh orm a maitheanas agus dìochuimhnich h-uile rud a rinn e rium gu bheil e fhathast Love Me ...
    a-nis tha mi fhìn agus an duine agam a tha luadhaidh air ais còmhla agus tha sinn glè thoilichte le ar beatha ùr a h-uile ... taing do DR ODUDUWA airson an obair mhòr a rinn e dhomh ..
    Tha mi a 'gealltainn an-còmhnaidh a' roinn a deagh obair gu lèir farsaing t-saoghal agus ma buidheann sam bith a tha a-muigh an sin a 'dol tro dàimh duilgheadasan sam bith a bu chòir fios gu caoimhneil ris tro post-d: no
    whatsapp Oduduwa No. + 2348109844548
    Tha e cuideachd a 'speisealachadh air na leanas TRIOBLAIDEAN
    - Ma tha thu ag iarraidh do ex ais.
    - Stad Ear agus iomlan a 'phòsadh agaibh
    - a bhuannachadh air ais bho Urras do leannan
    - ma tha sibh daonnan a tha droch aislingean.
    - Tha sibh ag iarraidh a bhith air adhartachadh ann an oifis agad.
    - Tha sibh ag iarraidh boireannaich / fir a bhith air an tàladh don thu.
    - Ma tha thu airson an leanabh agaibh fhèin.
    - Tha sibh ag iarraidh a bhith beairteach.
    - Tha sibh ag iarraidh a cheangal ur fear-cèile / bean a bhith agad gu bràth.
    - Ma dh'fheumas sibh Lotto bhuannaich draoidheachd àireamhan.
    - Herbal cùram agus leigheas.
     DR ODUDUWA fios aige tro post-d airson iomlan fhuasgladh do d 'uile phòsta trioblaidean an-diugh.
    Tha e ag obair airson dhomh agus bidh e gu cinnteach ag obair dhut cuideachd.
    Cuir fios do charaidean agus dòcha dìreach a shàbhaladh cuideigin pòsadh bho Crisis an-diugh.

  5. It's so encouraging to hear you say that the eureka moment comes halfway through the Cursa Adhartais. I'm a Borderer and have no opportunity to speak Gaelic outwith the phone tutorials. I've done the Cursa Inntrigidh and as you say, I struggle to say anything interesting. Looking forward to the eureka.
    Obviously, if one's rich and can drop everything for a year and do the Cursa Comais, then yes, one can become fluent in a year! But that's not the situation of most of us.

  6. Is e an t-ainm a th 'orm lilian. Is e latha glè thoilichte mo bheatha a tha seo air sgàth an taic a thug Dr.saguru dhomh le bhith a' cuideachadh le bhith a 'faighinn air ais dhan t-seann duine leis an draoidheachd draoidheachd agus draoidheachd. Bha mi pòsta airson 6 bliadhna agus bha e cho uamhasach oir bha an duine agam a 'cur dragh orm agus bha mi a' sireadh airson sgaradh-pòsaidh ach nuair a nochd e air post-d Dr.saguru air an eadar-lìon air mar a chuidich e uiread de dhaoine a 'faighinn an ex back Agus cuideachadh a 'càradh càirdeas agus a' toirt air daoine a bhith toilichte san dàimh aca. Mhìnich mi mo shuidheachadh dha agus an uairsin iarraidh air a chuideachadh ach airson an iongnadh as motha a chuir e ormsa gun cuidich e mi leis a 'chùis agam agus an-seo tha mi a-nis a' comharrachadh gu bheil an duine agam air atharrachadh gu math airson math. Tha e an-còmhnaidh ag iarraidh a bhith leamsa agus chan urrainn dhomh rud sam bith a dhèanamh às aonais an latha an-diugh. Tha mi a 'còrdadh rium gu mòr ris a' phòsadh agam, dè a tha fìor shoirbheachail. Cumaidh mi air deuchainn air an eadar-lìon seach gu bheil Dr.saguru fìor dha-rìreabh. A bheil feum agad air cobhair a dhèanamh air a 'cheangal a th' aig an neach-ealain SAGURU A-NIS VIA E-MAIL: no whatsapp +2349037545183 Is e an aon fhreagairt a tha air do dhuilgheadas agus a bhith gad dhèanamh toilichte leis a 'chàirdeas agad.

  7. Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4 pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. email: {} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.

    1) Love Spells
    2) Lost Love Spells
    3) Divorce Spells
    4) Marriage Spells
    5) Binding Spell.
    6) Breakup Spells
    7) Banish a past Lover
    8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
    9) want to satisfy your lover
    Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
    through {}

  8. Tha 'spam' gu leòr agaibh, a chàraid. Dé an Gàidhlig a th'air sin, saoil?

  9. Hello, tha mise bho na Stàitean Aonaichte, tha mi airson an teisteanas mhath seo a cho-roinn mu mar a chuidich Dr.Agbazara mi a thoirt air ais le mo leannan a bh 'ann. Nuair a bha mi a' lorg airson fuasgladh thàinig mi an conaltradh ri Dr.Agbazara agus le cuideachadh a thàinig mo leannan air ais gu mi taobh a-staigh 48 uair a thìde. Mar sin, le seo tha mi cho trom airson comhairle a thoirt do dhuine sam bith a tha a 'sireadh slighe airson a bhith a' faighinn a leannan air ais gus bruidhinn ri Dr.Agbazara air WhatsApp: ( +2348104102662 ) no tro phost-d aig: ( ) Tha mi cho toilichte co-dhiù mi fhìn agus tha mo leannan air ais dha chèile a-rithist agus a 'dol a chuir seachad cuirm na Bliadhn' Ùire còmhla. A 'toirt taing don Dr.Agbazara a-rithist ...


  10. I am very happy for posting on this blog on how a great spell caster helped me to bring back the love of my life. I know there are lots of women like me out there who has done so much to have back their Husband, I am here to tell you the answer is right here. I sincerely believe if there are up to five spell casters like Dr.omiawele this world would be a better place, I have seen people complaining on how fake spell castes promised to help them but couldn't. with Dr omiawele I tell you your problem is already solved because i experienced alot when my Husband and I had been apart for 2years and I couldn't bear living without him, I have tried everything to have him back but nothing was working until I saw EVELYN testimonies about a spell caster call Dr omiawele on how great his work is. I contacted him immediately and follow the step that he ask and in the next 48 hours my husband called me and was eager for my forgiveness and that he wished nothing more than to have me in his arms forever. I filled so much joy and happiness that I found Dr omiawele. I hope you all here will find this testimony of mine and get your husband back in just 48 hours omaiwele contact is {} you can also call or whatsApp him on +2347061865209.

  11. Am Linda Mark from USA... this is unbelievable i have be suffering for {Genital Herpes virus} how i get cure from my herpes virus with the help of Dr Afrid is a great herbalist man from Africa in Nigeria,people do say Nigeria are all scam i believe and just give a try to him after i have been scam by 4 different people in that country,i meet Dr Afrid email on website,though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: 'Many people have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it?' I though of it, then I contact Dr Afrid via email, I didn't believe him that much,I just wanted to give him a try,he told me that he will prepare herbal cure that i will take in 2 week,so he can prepare a herbal cure on me from his temple.. after three days I started getting more stronger my blood started flowing normally i started experiencing changes all over me as the great Dr Afrid assured me that i have been cured,after some time i went to the doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE,and kind of spell you can think of or any illness i advice you all to contact him: if you have hepatitis B herpes cancer Hiv/AIDS any kind of and he also do love spell,urgent cure to your disease and have a good health as he always want to be. you can call for any information his Mobil number +2349057260738.

  12. I want to share a testimony of how Dr.Omohan herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr.omohan herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than one week of taking the herbs my penis grow to 8 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 8 inches and i do not have week erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. can contact him or call or what-apps him through +2348164816038. . .he also specialize on the following things

    1. HIV / AIDS
    2. HERPES 1/2
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
    5. Hepatitis B
    6. chronic pancreatic
    7. emphysema
    8. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    Thanks for the Enlarging my penis sir, you indeed save my marriage...I am really grateful sir,

  13. Tha tòrr aoibhneis is othail annam, tha mi torpey clare, air a bhith toilichte leis a ’phòsadh agam, chan ann gus an do thòisich an duine agam ag èisteachd ri cleasan dhòmhsa gun a bhith dìleas do na bòidean pòsaidh againn, dh'fheuch mi ri toirt air tuigsinn gu robh iad gossip agus breugan, ach chaill e an gaol, earbsa agus misneachd annainn. Mar sin thàinig sinn gu bhith nan càraidean nagging, agus an uairsin lìon sinn airson sgaradh-pòsaidh, às deidh sin dhealaich sinn. bliadhna às deidh an sgaradh-pòsaidh againn, ghluais mi air adhart agus dh ’fheuch mi ri beatha àbhaisteach a bhith agam às aonais ach cha b’ urrainn dhomh, agus mar sin thòisich mi a ’feuchainn air mar a gheibh mi air ais an duine a bh’ agam roimhe, an uairsin chaidh iomradh a thoirt orm, BaBa ogbogo na dhuine mòr agus fìor spioradail a thilg geas gaoil orm agus a thug air mo EX tilleadh thugam taobh a-staigh ùine 48 uair. Tha mi a ’faighinn thairis air, agus mar sin leigidh mi fios chun an seo dhaibhsan aig a bheil duilgheadasan dàimh is pòsaidh, gus an urrainn dha cuideachadh le obraichean mòra. Post-d: No an àireamh whatsapp aige ... +447440557868. Cuir fios thuige, faic dè cho mòr agus cho cumhachdach 'sa tha e. Cuideachd a ’cuideachadh le bhith a’ leantainn chùisean ...

    (1) Cuir stad air sgaradh-pòsaidh.
    (2) Deireadh Barrenness.
    (3) Litreachadh deagh fhortan.
    (4) Litreachadh Pòsaidh.
    (5) Faigh cuidhteas de dhuilgheadasan spioradail.

  14. Is e seo an fhianais agam mu obair mhath a ’Cheannaird Eli Dodoru a tha gam chuideachadh .... Is mise Ann Earnis à ceann a tuath Carolina na SA. le cuideachadh bhon neach-brathaidh seo, thàinig an duine agam a dh ’fhàg mi a-mach airson 3 bliadhna air ais, choinnich mi ris an duine seo mu dheireadh air làrach blog a’ postadh le fear de na teachdaichean airson cuideachadh, mhìnich mi a h-uile dad dha agus dh ’innis e dhomh mu dheidhinn a caster litreachaidh air an robh e eòlach agus thug e dhomh a whatsapp airson sgrìobhadh chun neach-brathaidh gus innse dha na duilgheadasan agam. Ann an dìreach 2 sheachdain, thàinig an duine agam air ais thugam. Tha mi dìreach airson taing a thoirt don t-sealladair litreachaidh fìrinneach is dùrachdach seo, a dhuine uasal a thuirt thu rium air a thighinn gu crìch agus taing a thoirt dhut, a dhuine uasail. Feuch an cuir mi a-mach airson innse don h-uile duine a tha a ’coimhead airson fuasgladh sam bith air an duilgheadas aca, a bhith a’ bruidhinn gu coibhneil ris an t-sealladair litreachaidh seo, tha e fìor, tha e cumhachdach agus ge bith dè a dh ’innseas an neach-brathaidh geasa dè a thachras, oir thàinig a h-uile dad a dh’ innis an neach-brathaidh dhomh. a dhol seachad. Faodaidh tu fios a chuir thuige air: whatsapp +2349015088017

  15. Is e seo an fhianais agam mu obair mhath a ’Cheannaird Eli Dodoru a tha gam chuideachadh .... Is mise Ann Earnis à ceann a tuath Carolina na SA. le cuideachadh bhon neach-brathaidh seo, thàinig an duine agam a dh ’fhàg mi a-mach airson 3 bliadhna air ais, choinnich mi ris an duine seo mu dheireadh air làrach blog a’ postadh le fear de na teachdaichean airson cuideachadh, mhìnich mi a h-uile dad dha agus dh ’innis e dhomh mu dheidhinn a caster litreachaidh air an robh e eòlach agus thug e dhomh a whatsapp airson sgrìobhadh chun neach-brathaidh gus innse dha na duilgheadasan agam. Ann an dìreach 2 sheachdain, thàinig an duine agam air ais thugam. Tha mi dìreach airson taing a thoirt don t-sealladair litreachaidh fìrinneach is dùrachdach seo, a dhuine uasal a thuirt thu rium air a thighinn gu crìch agus taing a thoirt dhut, a dhuine uasail. Feuch an cuir mi a-mach airson innse don h-uile duine a tha a ’coimhead airson fuasgladh sam bith air an duilgheadas aca, a bhith a’ bruidhinn gu coibhneil ris an t-sealladair litreachaidh seo, tha e fìor, tha e cumhachdach agus ge bith dè a dh ’innseas an neach-brathaidh geasa dè a thachras, oir thàinig a h-uile dad a dh’ innis an neach-brathaidh dhomh. a dhol seachad. Faodaidh tu fios a chuir thuige air: whatsapp +2349015088017

  16. Tha fuasgladh aig a h-uile duilgheadas nuair a choinnicheas tu ris an taobh cheart
    duine !! Na biodh eagal ort gu bheil caster geasa mòr ann agus luchd-fuasglaidh dhuilgheadasan spioradail,
    A ’faighinn duilgheadas pòsaidh, briseadh dhachaigh, Instant
    soirbheachas, faigh air ais na chaill thu a-riamh msaa..WhatsApp air +2347041712297
    thèid na duilgheadasan agad fhuasgladh sa bhad. Bidh e a ’dèanamh na leanas:
    1) Geasan gaoil
    2) Geasan gaoil air chall
    3) Geasan sgaradh-pòsaidh
    4) Geasan pòsaidh
    5) Litreachadh ceangail.
    6) Geasan brisidh
    7) Cuir às do leannan a chaidh seachad
    8.) Tha thu airson gun tèid do bhrosnachadh anns an oifis agad / geas a ’Chrannchur

  17. Talofa uo, O loʻu igoa o Nora, e lelei o le ae faitau i lenei mataupu ona o le a avea ma se lelei suiga olaga aafiaga mo oe poʻo lau uo. O le fesili, e i ai ni au faigata, e te manaʻo e malamalama i lou olaga, pe i ai ni ou maʻi, o lou avanoa lenei e mautinoa ai ua foia ou faʻafitauli, faʻafesoʻotaʻi le sili faʻataulaitu o Dr.Pelllar. Ou te feiloaʻi i lenei fomaʻi pe a teteʻa aʻu ma loʻu toʻalua tausaga ma ou te manaʻo ia te ia ona e leai ni isi tamaloa e mafai ona alofa mai ia te aʻu e pei ona faia e loʻu toʻalua, o laʻu uo na ave faamalosi loʻu toʻalua, ma na inoino loʻu toalua ia te aʻu. ma teteʻa ma aʻu, sa ou pei ita ona ou te le manaʻo e tupu lena mea ia matou na ou faʻanoi ia te ia na ia musu ma o sau uo o aʻu na maua ai le fesoʻotaʻiga a Dr.Pellar ma ou faʻafesoʻotaʻia ia e ala i lana imeli ma ou te mulimuli uma na ia Na fai mai ia te aʻu e fai pe a maeʻa na toe foʻi mai loʻu toʻalua ma ua ou matua fiafia lava ma e oʻo mai i le taimi nei e le o mafaufau loʻu toʻalua i se isi fafine. afai o loʻo e feagai ma le faʻafitauli lava e tasi faʻafesoʻotaʻi lenei sipela sipela e ala i se Imeli:
    (1) Faʻafoʻi le ex-ava poʻo le tane.
    (2) O sipela e manumalo ai i se vaega tele o manumalo
    (3) herbs e afuafua
    (4) Faʻalauiloaina upu o galuega
    (5) E faʻamalolo ai soʻo se ituaiga o faʻamaʻi (kanesa, fatugaʻo faʻamaʻi, manuʻa vae), ma isi
    (6) faʻamalosia se peni faamaneta mo le suʻega ma le manuia
    (7) Masalo o le suʻega
    (8) Le sipela e manumalo ai i soo se mataupu tau faamasinoga
    ma sili atu, naʻo faʻafesoʻotaʻi mai matou ile imeli. imeli

  18. O loʻu igoa o Roze Mai Farani Ou te fia faʻamatalaina loʻu poto masani
    E le mafai ona lava lau faʻafetai ia DR.Sango mo galuega lelei ua e faia mo aʻu ma laʻu fanau e toe aumai ai loʻu toʻalua. Sa i ai ni oʻu faafitauli ogaoga ma loʻu toʻalua ma ua le toe tuuto mai ia te aʻu ma le ma fanau ina ua ou fesili atu ia te ia o le a le faafitauli, na ia taʻu mai ia te aʻu e alofa ia te aʻu ona o le alofa ma manao i se teteʻa ma sa ou matua tiga, na ou tagi uma ao ma le po o lea na ia siitia atu ai i le fale o lana uo. Na atili ai ona leaga mea a o amata ona alu i uʻamea ma toʻesea kalapu ma lana uo i taimi uma, onā ma moe. E masani ona ia taufaʻafefe aʻu i luga o le telefoni i le taimi lava ou te vili ai ia te ia ona o le leaga o fautuaga a lana uo ia te ia. Ou te alofa tele ia te ia ma ua 10 tausaga talu ona ma faʻaipoipo, na maua ai se ma afafine ma se tama aulelei. Sa tele foi aʻu tupe na leiloa i fomai a o ma faatasi ma DR.Sango na faalauiloa mai e se uo na fesoasoani e faaipoipo i lana uo tama tama, lea na aumaia ia te ia le atoatoa talitonuina ma le malosi e toe maua ai o ia. Na ou faia uma DR.Sango na fesili mai ia te aʻu, na ou mulimuli foi i faʻatonuga uma na tuʻuina mai ia te aʻu e DR.Sangoto loʻu teʻi sili. Ina ua tuanaʻi le 48 itula, sa telefoni mai loʻu toʻalua ia aʻu ma faananati atu i le fale ma se taavale fou enaena mo aʻu ma le ma fanau. Na o le suia o lagona o tagata, o aʻu o le fafine sili ona fiafia i le lalolagi i lena aso. ua iai nei se galuega lelei a loʻu toʻalua ma ua le toe inu pia, ua le toe tausia ni ana uo faʻatauvaʻa. O se vavega ou te leʻi talitonuina sa mafai ona ua leai soʻu faʻamoemoe seʻia ou mauaina DR.Sango faʻafesoʻotaʻi ia te ia i le aso ma toe maua le alofa, ou te faʻamautinoa atu ia te oe faʻafesoʻotaʻi ia ia i le imeli.

  19. Hi a charaid,
    Tha mi às a ’Ghearmailt agus is e Yeta an t-ainm a th’ orm
    Rinn Dr.Pellar seo a-rithist le bhith gam chuideachadh a ’faighinn air ais an duine agam. nuair a bha mi a ’smaoineachadh gun deach a h-uile dòchas a chall. mar sin chuir mi fios thuige agus rinn mi a h-uile dad a dh ’iarr e orm a dhèanamh, agus fhuair mi an toradh taobh a-staigh 48 uairean oir thug e misneachd dhomh. Cha robh dùil agam a-riamh, agus mar sin thug mi air mo bhòid innse don t-saoghal mu Dr.Pellar oir tha e na dhuine math. A bheil duilgheadasan agad san dàimh? a bheil do chompanach air do sgaradh agus a bheil gaol agad fhathast agus ag iarraidh gun till e? an uairsin cuir fios gu Dr.Pellar an-diugh gus gealltanas 100% a thoirt dhut gun cuidich e thu san aon dòigh a chuidich e mi. Dr.Pellar. Is e an seòladh puist-d:

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  21. Is e m ’ainm Eva à Lituania
    Tha mi airson innse don t-saoghal gu sgiobalta gu bheil cuibhle litreachaidh fìor chumhachdach is fìor. An seo faodaidh tu fios a chuir gu Dr.pellar. O chionn ghoirid chuidich e mi a ’tighinn còmhla a-rithist leis an fhear a dh’ fhàg mi. Nuair a chuir mi fios gu Dr.pellar. an incantation de ghràdh dhomh, agus an duine agam, ag ràdh nach robh dad aige ri dhèanamh a-rithist, ghairm mi agus thòisich mi a ’guidhe orm tilleadh. a-nis tha e air ais le leithid de ghràdh agus de chùram. an-diugh tha mi toilichte innse dhut uile gu bheil cumhachd aig an fhoillsichear litreachaidh seo dàimh briste ath-thogail. oir a-nis tha mi toilichte leis an duine agam. Dhaibhsan a leughas an artaigil seo agus a dh ’fheumas cuideachadh, faodaidh Dr.pellar cuideachadh de sheòrsa sam bith a thabhann, leithid làimhseachadh airson gach seòrsa tinneas, cùisean cùirte, geasan torrach, dìon spioradail, agus barrachd. Faodaidh tu fios a chuir thuige air post-d.

  22. Tha mi a ’sgrìobhadh an artaigil seo gus taing a thoirt dha Dr.Sago airson geas cumhachdach. is e m ’ainm Ani, tha mi às, Serbia Dr.Sago a chuidich mi o chionn ghoirid a’ toirt air ais leannan a dh ’fhàg mi airson boireannach eile gun adhbhar anns na 8 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh. Às deidh dhomh teachdaireachd air-loidhne bho Jenna bho na SA fhaicinn mu mar a bhios Dr.Sago ga cuideachadh gus a pòsadh ath-aonachadh, cho-dhùin mi cuideachd tionndadh thuige airson cuideachadh oir cha robh roghainn agam ach mo leannan agus sonas fhaighinn air ais. Gus an t-iongnadh as motha a th ’agam, thill fear mo ghaoil dhachaigh air a ghlùinean gus àite a lorg na chridhe airson mathanas a thoirt dha, bha mi air mo uabhasachadh agus mo chlisgeadh nuair a bhuail mo leannan ann an ùrnaigh airson mathanas agus gun gabhadh mi ris. Tha mi gann de dh ’abairtean agus chan eil fios agam dè a bheir mi mo thaing dhut, Dr.Sago. Tha thu nad Dhia air a chuir gus dàimh bhriste a thoirt air ais, agus a-nis tha mi nam boireannach sunndach. tha am fiosrachadh conaltraidh aige;

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    Halo Tha mi airson am meadhan seo a chleachdadh airson taing a thoirt do DR WALE oir thug e air ais an duine agam. dh ’fhàg an duine agam mi airson a leannan a bh’ aige mus do phòs e mi is e suidheachadh duilich a th ’ann dhòmhsa a dh’ ainmich mi agus a ’guidhe air tilleadh. Dhiùlt e thuirt e nach eil e dèidheil orm tuilleadh. Dh’ fheuch mi a h-uile dòigh a b ’urrainn dhomh fhaighinn air ais. gu dìomhain dh ’innis mi dha mo charaid mu dheidhinn agus thug i fios dhomh DR WALE WhatsApp, chuir mi WhatsApp air: +2347054019402 agus dh’ innis mi dha mo dhuilgheadas agus dh ’innis e dhomh dè a dhèanainn agus rinn mi a h-uile dad a dh’ iarr e orm a dhèanamh cuideachd. agus thilg e geas gaoil a thug air ais an duine agam taobh a-staigh làithean. Ma tha feum agad air cuideachadh gus faighinn air ais còmhla ris an Ex agad, cuir post-d gu DR WALE aig WhatsApp / Viber: +2347054019402 NO

  25. Fianais iongantach air mar a fhuair mi mo husnabd air ais

    Is fhiach an fhianais seo a roinn don t-saoghal. Tha mi an seo gus innse don t-saoghal mu dheagh obraichean an Dr ORMAN. Is e Tron Chamberz an t-ainm a th ’orm às an RA .. Dh’ fhàg an duine agam mi agus mo chlann airson boireannach nas sine. Cha robh e cho furasta dhomh .. Tha gaol cho mòr agam air an duine agam agus cha do chaill mi dòchas agus chùm mi ag ùrnaigh agus mu dheireadh fhreagair Dia m ’ùrnaighean… rannsaich mi air-loidhne airson inneal brathaidh gus mo chuideachadh ag aonachadh mi agus mo leannan air ais gu bràth. agus chunnaic mi uimhir de theisteanasan air mar a tha DR ORMAN air uimhir de dhaoine a chuideachadh air-loidhne agus cho-dhùin mi deuchainn a thoirt dha ... chuir mi fios thuige agus mhìnich mi dha. Thuirt e rium gun a bhith draghail gun toir e an duine agam air ais taobh a-staigh 24 uairean. Chuir e comhairle ris na cumhachdan aige agus thug e misneachd dhomh gun a bhith draghail. Rinn e an obair aige agus chuir e an geasag agus chun an iongnadh as motha a bh ’agam, thàinig an duine agam air ais an aon latha a’ guidhe agus a ’caoineadh dìreach mar a thuirt an Dr Orman. Ghuidh e orm maitheanas fhaighinn agus gheall e nach fhàgadh e mi airson adhbhar sam bith. Tha sinn toilichte agus tha sinn a ’fuireach còmhla mar aon. Cuir fios chun Dr ORMAN a-nis air: agus faodaidh tu cuideachd fios a chuir thuige air WHATSAPP +905396060968 na caill dòchas gum bi latha brèagha agad

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  27. Hi luchd-amhairc air-loidhne, tha mi an seo gus mo theisteanas a cho-roinn mu mar a chaidh mo chuideachadh gus mo bhean fhaighinn air ais. Bha mi nam mhealltaire agus ghlac mo bhean mi grunn thursan. Dh’ fheuch mi ri mi fhìn a chàradh agus a h-uile uair a chrìochnaich mi a’ mealladh a-rithist is a-rithist. Tha mi creidsinn nach do thuig mi dè bha i a’ ciallachadh dhòmhsa gus an do dh’ fhàg i mi nam aonar. Thòisich mi air dòigh a lorg airson a faighinn air ais ach tha e coltach nach obraich dad a-mach gu foirfe gus an tàinig mi tarsainn air artaigil mu DR WALE a chuidich mòran dhaoine air feadh na cruinne gus na dàimhean aca fhaighinn air ais. Chuir mi fios thuige air an àireamh WhatsApp aige tro + 2347054019402 agus thug e cinnteach dhomh gun tig mo bhean air ais thugam taobh a-staigh beagan sheachdainean leis na draoidheachdan cumhachdach aige agus phàigh mi beagan Euros airson na stuthan a bha a dhìth airson na h-obrach. Gu h-iongantach, thàinig mo bhean air ais dhachaigh às deidh beagan sheachdainean ag ràdh gu bheil gaol aice orm fhathast agus mhionnaich mi gun a bhith a’ mealladh oirre tuilleadh. Taing mhòr do DR WALE. WhatsApp/Viber: +2347054019402 no

  28. Halo a h-uile duine is e m ’ainm Leni às a’ Ghearmailt agus tha mi airson an cothrom seo a chleachdadh gus mo theisteanas a cho-roinn air mar a thug an Dr Okpa sgoinneil mo leannan air ais le a gheasaibh cumhachdach taobh a-staigh 24 uairean. Tha mi cho toilichte gaol mo bheatha a bhith air ais nam bheatha a-rithist às deidh dha mo fàgail airson 2 bhliadhna. A-nis tha mi cho toilichte mar nach robh riamh roimhe bho thàinig e air ais nam bheatha. Tha mi dha-rìribh ag iarraidh taing a thoirt don Dr Okpa sgoinneil airson mo thoileachas a thoirt air ais agus gàire mòr a chuir air m’ aodann. Ma tha neach sam bith a’ dol tro dhuilgheadasan co-chosmhail nam beatha gaoil, bheir mi comhairle dhut gun a bhith a’ caitheamh ùine agus cuir fios chun Dr Okpa airson cuideachadh agus bheir e air ais do chàirdeas no do phòsadh gu cinnteach. Faodaidh tu fios a chuir chun Dr Okpa tro phost-d: no whatsapp: +27653527813.

  29. Chan urrainn dha faclan an deagh fhaireachdainn seo a th’ agam nam broinn a chuir an cèill às deidh dha DR WALE obair mhath a dhèanamh dhomh. Nuair a dh’ innis caraid dhomh rudan math dhomh mu DR WALE cha robh agam ach feuchainn air agus gu mo iongnadh chaidh a h-uile càil mar a thuirt DR WALE rium. An-diugh tha mi toilichte oir tha mi fhìn agus an duine agam le chèile a’ fuireach gu toilichte còmhla. DR WALE WHATSAPP +2347054019402. Tha DR WALE na dhuine den fhacal aige chan eil agad ach a h-uile stiùireadh a bheir e dhut a leantainn. Oir nuair a dh'fhaighnich mi dha mo charaid dè cho math 'sa tha obair DR WALE, thuirt i, phàigh i airson CÙISEAN Dh'iarr DR WALE oirre pàigheadh, agus an dèidh dhi pàigheadh ​​​​don duine aice a bha an dùil a fàgail leis fhèin cha do dh'fhàg i tuilleadh i. Thuirt i gun do ghuidh an duine aice oirre airson maitheanas. Phàigh mi cuideachd airson a h-uile nì nuair a dh'iarr DR WALE orm. Agus tha an obair uile a rinn DR WALE air mo shon gu soirbheachail. An-diugh tha mi nam boireannach toilichte. DR WALE cuir fios gu WhatsApp/Viber: +2347054019402 NO Post-d:
